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Compass Property marketing strategies

We understand the value and importance of strategic marketing, and by combining modern technology, tried and tested traditional methods, and marketing materials, we offer a truly competitive advantage.

When it comes to marketing your property we believe that innovation and creativity are desirable but effectiveness is essential and have listed bellow our top ten proven effective methods of marketing your property

1) Think Internet

The internet is now the first port of call for those looking for a property. Via the web we can reach the largest possible audience for your property.

We utilise all of the major external property to ensure , that your property reaches the maximum number of active buyers searching on the internet.

2) Think professional photography & floor plans

Let’s all THINK about this. High quality presentation of your home is vital to attract tenants.

Once you have instructed us to let your property we will arrange a convenient time with you to allow to come and take exceptional wide angled photographs that together with floor plans allow us to showcase your property like a work of art via the various media available to us and attract more serious qualified applicants to view your home.

3) Think Telemaketing.

We THINK that it is our job to ensure that we call every suitable applicant we have registered on our database to tell them in person about your property and to encourage them to view.

It is this pro-activity and positive attitude that sets us apart: we don´t sit and wait for the phone to ring and for applicants to come to us; we do everything possible to find them for you.

4) Local think Property Press

We offer you the opportunity to advertise in your selected newspapers and magazines.

5) Why not good old billboard?

Have you thought  how billboard advertising of the past, we´ve seen with our car or bus remains in our head long after we´re gone? Contact  us if you want your ad  to end up in someone´s head.

6) Mail shots to make everyone think 

 We regularly send email to all the potential buyers of your property to keep alive their interest in him.

7) Facebook, Twitter

Social networking is an ever growing medium with more and more apps appearing that integrate with these sites. We have been thinking about how these can enhance the marketing of your property and have our own pages where we Tweet your property or tell our friends all about it! We even keep you amused with updates of what we have been up to on a daily basis!